Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen
The Center of Hessen
The regional management association Mittelhessen creates an alliance of industry, science and politics.
The regional management association Mittelhessen raises the profile of Central Hessen with education, infrastructure and innovation projects. Chaired by the district president, the association gives its members – towns, counties, chambers, universities and enterprises – an opportunity to pull together as a region.
Under the umbrella of the regional management association Mittelhessen, business developers of the rural districts and main commercial centres of Central Hessen cooperate in the Business Network with transfer institutions and interested member companies on strategic issues of the region’s trade.
One of the results of this cooperation with regional business developers is the Central Hessen Local Information System, where you can find details of our commercial areas.
Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen GmbH
Georg-Schlosser-Straße 1
35390 Gießen