Transformation und Strukturwandel
Transformation ist das Thema der Stunde. Vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Digitalisierung und den Prämissen eines ökologisch-nachhaltigen Wandels stehen ganze Industrien und Branchen vor einem tiefgreifenden Strukturwandel. Wir haben vier Experten aus dem Netzwerk zusammengebracht, um zu diskutieren, was das konkret für die Unternehmen in der Region bedeutet.

Physics At Its Best
Membership in the Wetzlar Network is an enrichment for DIOPTIC – in every respect. As a partner in the R&D cooperation project funded by the BMBF, the Weinheim-based company can contribute its expertise in sophisticated optical technologies and their successful system integration.

The Ernst Leitz Museum in Wetzlar celebrates its re-opening – with aplomb, yes, but also with an extraordinarily high quality in experiencing. It is a museum which grabs visitors by the hand and invites them to participate. On a tour through the museum, we could see that this concept pays off.

Innovation Connected
For highly specialized medium-sized companies, it’s a strenuous effort to get innovations off the ground and make them successful if they act on their own. In concert, they’ll accomplish more – and even more effective when interconnected in an innovative way. For that to happen, a sponsored innovation network is to be established under the umbrella of the Wetzlar Network.