For Members of Wetzlar Network For members of the Wetzlar Network, the OptecNet Germany trade association opens up a wide range of opportunities.
Neben den wiedergewählten Vorständen Dr. Andreas Ehrhardt und Dr. Horst Sickinger wurde Ralf Niggemann, Manager des Wetzlar Network, zum neuen Vorstandsmitglied von OptecNet Deutschland gewählt.
Is it a cool thing to work for one of the leading experts in Polymer Optics? Absolutely! How VIAOPTIC manages to hold their ground as a successful medium-sized company in competing for the best workforce.
Befort Wetzlar is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Over the course of three generations, the family business has managed to stay young without ever looking old.
In June 2019, Manuel Rupp launched his own company with an innovative business concept. Three years later, weLOG employs almost 125 people in 7 locations. Investors from all around the world take an interest in it. How could this come about?
ZEISS stockt die Auszubildenden-Stellen am Standort Wetzlar auf und investiert über 1,5 Millionen Euro in die Modernisierung der Lehrwerkstatt, neue Maschinen und additive Fertigungsverfahren wie 3D-Druck.
Bosch Thermotechnology employs more than 14,000 people and operates 18 production sites around the globe. How does a deeply interconnected Global Player succeed in digitizing processes while ensuring data and information security? We asked Sven Harbach about it.
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS develop software for information management and distribute it on a worldwide scale from their headquarters in Berlin. A team in Wetzlar also supports the companies in the region.
Mit dem Neubau im Wetzlarer Gewerbegebiet Hörnsheimer Eck verdreifacht die TRIOPTICS Außenstelle ihre Fläche. Ende Mai wurde der neue Standort feierlich eingeweiht.