One for Everything
The Instagram post shows a portrait photo of Lutz Klein. The text next to him says: “One for Everything”. When sitting face to face with him, one quickly realizes that these words apply to the CEO of OCS GmbH in the same ways as to his company for building security and communication.
A trip to the industrial park Lahnau. This is where OCS GmbH have their headquarters. That the enterprise has grown over the last 15 years is quite evident: it’s a tight squeeze in the company’s office rooms. In the conference room, Lutz Klein explains how it came to that.
The history of company OCS is narrated relatively quickly: After its foundation in Siegen in 1995, Lutz Klein ran his company as a sole proprietor for a couple of years. To Lahnau, he came through a business contact. Meanwhile, he has been at home there for 15 years, continuously building up and expanding his company over the course of the years. “I feel rooted in the region,” he says, “although, from an entrepreneurial perspective, I perceive that the region covers a radius of 150 kilometers across three German federate states: Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Rhineland-Palatine.” A large part of the projects takes place in the corridor between Wetzlar and Frankfurt, along the highways A45 and A5. “For us, proximity to the customers is essential,” Lutz Klein points out. Why? We are going to find out during the conversation.
System providers for building security and communication
Lutz Klein erected his enterprise on two pillars: building security and communication. The building security sector includes fire alarm systems, luminous call and burglar alarm systems as well as electronic entry control and video surveillance. The second pillar is the similarly complex as many-faceted field of telecommunication technology. “We consider ourselves as collaborative system providers seeing to the whole service package: from scheduling and project planning to installation and all the way down to maintenance and service,” explains Lutz Klein. Almost 35 employees make sure that things are running smoothly and customers enjoy all-round care.
The customers are companies as well as public and private institutions. First in line are the operators of retirement and nursing homes, hotels and the industry. “This is where we can implement the full scope of our technical services,” says Klein: from the fire alarm system and luminous call system to electronic entry control, telecommunication technology, and video surveillance. Sounds like a methodical system but as so often the devil is in the details. In particular, when it comes to identifying the individual requirements of the customers and developing a custom-made solution for them. Intense consulting is the basis for a concept that is both technically feasible and economically reasonable. OCS fulfills all required standards – including accreditation from LKA and BKA (state and federal offices of criminal investigations) as well as VDS (damage prevention association). Experienced and highly skilled project supervisors carry the technical installation into execution. Reliable service staff attend to customer support and maintenance during operation.

One for everything. All for OCS. Lutz Klein (right) with one of his teams.
Installation and maintenance of highly sophisticated safety and communication systems
“Our characteristic feature is thorough expert knowledge. But we also bear a lot of responsibility,” emphasizes Lutz Klein. This holds especially true for the sensitive field of fire alarm systems. The operator of a hospital, for instance, is also the operator of a fire alarm system. Keeping an eye on the relevant statutory regulations and directives is not always easy. The plant must be inspected by an official expert every three years. Every seven years, the fire detectors must be replaced. There is certainly a considerable amount of maintenance involved. And exactly for this purpose, the company offers an all-inclusive service package called “Fire Alarm System all-in”. The offer is aimed at enterprises and institutions which have a new system installed but likewise at customers who want to go on using their functioning system.
For OCS, the installation and maintenance of such sophisticated safety instruments and communication systems are routine business. And if necessary, even twenty-four seven all year round. Lutz Klein explains it by an example: “If the fire alarm system in, say, a nursing home fails from one moment to the next, the license to operate the home basically becomes invalid with immediate effect. That means, they would be required to vacate the nursing home at once. In order to prevent this, we deliver a replacement radio unit without delay. We offer this service for fire alarm systems and luminous call systems.”
Satisfied customers are the best recommendation
By now, at the latest, we understand why the mentioned “proximity to customers” is really essential for OCS. But there is more behind it: Of course, it is an open secret that, as a rule, proximity to customers increases customer satisfaction. And satisfied customers are the best recommendation to attract new customers in turn. Still, the business is not a sure-fire success. “Life is much too short to wait for the phone to ring,” Lutz Klein says laughing. Therefore, he employs eight women who scour the market for new customers and projects and publicize the activities of OCS’s experts on all media channels. An annual turnover of four million Euro is more than neat – and an indication that Lutz Klein will be able to stay true to his course.
The shortage of skilled workers is rather cause for concern to him – but here, too, the CEO is up to date. There is plenty on offer for the established employees, some of whom have been working for the company for 15 years: Each Monday, a fruit basket is delivered by an organic farmer. Once a month, a massage therapist comes in (during working hours!); there is a company bicycle or – as in the previous summer – a barbecue event is held which was well received by the team. In order to find new junior staff, the marketing women of OCS launched a social media campaign which exceeded all expectations. “By this means, we found five technicians whom we hired,” Lutz Klein rejoices.
This is all really astonishing, and once again the question arises in the end if there is actually still room for growth inside those confined premises. The CEO chuckles, he may have already contemplated a relocation but keeps it close to the vest. True to the motto: Do not announce the number of your chickens before they are hatched. We will hear about it eventually. Maybe on Instagram. When “One for Everything” is taking the next step.
Company Profile:
OCS GmbH was founded by Lutz Klein in Siegen in 1995. The company has been located in Lahnau for 15 years. OCS has specialized in custom-made business solutions in the sectors building security and communication. Around 35 employees ensure highest quality, innovative technology, thorough customer support, and excellent service.